グローバル・コミュニケーション 1/2
( 旧 各国経済・ビジネス事情 in English 1/2)
経済学部専門科目「グローバル・コミュニケーション 1/2」では外部の講師をお招きして、講義を聴き、講義内容に関連したディスカッションやワークショップなどを行っています。授業はすべて英語で進められるため、TOEIC 650点以上の学生が対象の授業です。
Class 01 – 02: Introduction 授業内容のページへ
Class 03 – 04: Group work practice
Class 05 – 28: Guest speaker lectures and discussion
Class 29 – 30: Group work for poster session
Class 31 – 32: Poster session
Guest Speaker | Title |
David FULVIO (Eikaiwa NEO) |
“Running a small business in Japan” “How small businesses can compete with larger companies” “Coming technologies that will change the business world” |
Masaaki NAGAREO / Miki KONISHI (ESD Promotion Office, Okayama City) |
“Sustainability through Your Daily Life” |
Simon THORNLEY (Okayama University / Sanyo University) |
“The Legal Profession in the City of London” |
Mitsuko NISHIKAWA (Translator / QATAR Embassy) |
“Organisation and structure—cases in the Middle East” “Links between Japan and the Middle East” “Cross-Cultural Communication & A Language Specialist working at an Embassy” |
Satoko SHIBATA ( Fedex / Sohpia University ) |
“Globalization and competitiveness of universities” ”Representing Japanese business in overseas – Cross cultural responsibilities” “Female business persons in overseas and their environments” |
Yumi OKAZAKI (JICA:Japanese International Cooperation Agency) |
“Cultural differences manifest, working in developing countries“ |
Yurika HIYAMA (Walt Disney Japan) |
“Business portfolio and leverage” “Work life balance” |
Masayo ISHIKAWA (UNCTAD / UBS Switzerland AG) |
“Living and working in competitive multicultural environments” |
Jacek BRANT ( Institute of Education, UCL) |
<授業紹介> Workshops on ‘How to deal with intercultural conflict in multicultural environments’ |
( )内は講義時の所属、あるいは講義内容に関わる過去の所属になります。